Experience your unforgettable yoga retreat in Switzerland with Yoga meets You

To our appointmentsEine Venusblume mit Schrift darunter

We run consecutive yoga retreats in a closed group in Switzerland, Austria and all over the world. Aim: to find total relaxation and inner peace.

Ein weißes Symbol mit einem Häckchen
Holistic and authentic

Yoga und Meditation als Lifestyle

With us, yoga retreats are not just practices, but a philosophy of life. You will experience an authentic connection of body, mind and soul. We will make sure that you experience yoga in the best possible way!

Ein weißer Umriss eines Zertifikates für Qualität
Professional and committed

carefully trained, experienced yoga teachers

YOGA meets YOU offers you professionally organized yoga retreats. We are characterized by dedicated cooperation, carefully selected locations and individual support. From booking to departure, we guarantee a smooth process and attach great importance to the authenticity of the yoga practice.

Ein weißer Umriss eines Prozesses
Competent and empathetic

constructive units for everyone

In our yoga retreats, we place particular emphasis on practicing in a closed group, with units that build on each other. We care about you and we want to achieve the best results for you with new topics. At your own pace and how you feel, without being disturbed by new participants arriving or leaving.

Your yoga team

Eine Frau in pinker Jacke und Hose sitzt auf einer Steinmauer mit einem Hund.
Samira Sefzig

is a trained Hatha Yoga, breathing and meditation teacher that she internalizes through her daily practice. She is also trained in Reiki & energetic healing methods, as well as a trainer for outdoor fitness and Nordic walking. She has worked worldwide in various management positions in the hotel and tourism industry. She has 2 teenage sons. Samira accompanies people on their yoga path in retreats almost every week and is delighted to be able to pass on the original yoga.

Ein Mann und sein Hund auf einer schmalen Straße.
Peter Weitgasser

lived in an ashram (monastery) for 16 years, including 8 years as a yoga monk (Swami Keshavananda). Since 1998 he has been practicing, living and internalizing the classical yoga style. He has supported and taught thousands of yoga practitioners during their yoga teacher training and in yoga retreats. Earlier in his life he was an interior designer. In recent years, he has completed numerous trainings and advanced trainings for the expansion of consciousness.

Eine Eule in einem türkisen Kreis und daneben der name

What customers say about our retreats...

Eine wandernde Frau in den Bergen

I felt comfortable right from the start and felt that I was in the right place and that I would feel good. Samira, Peter, the group and the hotel staff were all super friendly and accommodating. I took away so many great positive impressions.

eine Gruppe von Leuten, die laufen

Five days of meditation and yoga in the middle of the Vorarlberg mountains. The retreat was led by Samira and Peter! Clear your head and do something for your well-being. Samira and Peter not only introduced us to meditation and yoga, but also explained everything in detail and corrected the yoga postures. A great experience for beginners and advanced practitioners. I would recommend it to anyone interested!

eine Silhouette eines Kaktus
Christoph A

A yoga retreat in the most beautiful mountain landscape and a very hospitable, beautiful hotel. The lessons helped me to deepen my yoga practice and understand it better so that I could continue my practice at home. I really enjoyed it!

majestätische Berggipfel und atemberaubende Landschaften
Brigitte D

Very nice and eventful yoga retreat in beautiful surroundings (Brandnertal) with two warm and very competent teachers.

Ein Fluss fließt durch ein Bergtal mit Felsen und Bäumen
Irina V

Warm atmosphere with a beautiful view. Very effective and helpful yoga program. Very dedicated teachers.

Boote im Wasser nahe einem Strand aus der Vogelperspektive

I really enjoyed my yoga retreat with Samira and Peter. It was very inspiring. I was able to integrate many suggestions into my everyday life at home. Samira and Peter explain everything very lovingly and well, I felt very comfortable all round. I should also mention the Hotel Valavier, very good food, beautiful wellness area, wonderful location. I will definitely be attending another yoga retreat with Samira and Peter. And definitely also a Reiki treatment, which did me a lot of good. I returned to my everyday life relaxed and invigorated.

Eine Frau steht in einem Raum mit kachelboden

It was a very good decision to book the yoga retreat with Samira and Peter at the Hotel Valavier in Brand! We were a great small group, in a beautiful and very warmly run hotel where nothing was missing. Lots of attention to detail, a very high feel-good and relaxation factor, super nice staff, great hosts and a varied gastronomic offer. The yoga retreat is definitely highly recommended and I hope that I will take a lot of it with me in my everyday life, and if not, I will be very happy to come back 😌

ein tropisches Paradies mit kristallklarem Wasser und weißen Sandstränden

Another great yoga retreat. I benefited a lot from Samira and Peter and was able to take it with me into everyday life. Thank you for the beautiful walking meditation at 06.30 in the morning and the beautiful mantra quotes. I will be back again!

Ein weißer Hund sitzt auf einem Schotterweg

Samira and Peter are very professional, warm and helpful. I was not familiar with Sivananda Yoga before, learned a lot and made great progress in the few days. I will certainly attend another retreat with them.

Eine Frau mit Sonnenbrille und Jacke

Samira and Peter are wonderful teachers! The level of the lessons is very flexible and the amount of information is just right and not at all "missionary". Highly recommended!

Die San Francisco Bay Bridge bei Sonnenuntergang

My first experience with yoga was a complete success. The exciting, challenging, intensive and very entertaining yoga classes with Peter sparked my interest. I would love to come back, I can only recommend you.

Das Riesenrad am Strand bei Sonnenuntergang

The yoga retreat at the Hotel Valavier with Samira and Peter was relaxing, challenging, instructive and inspiring - in short, perfect all round! I can only recommend it to anyone and would book it again at any time.

To further ratings

What does your yoga retreat include?

- Yoga units that build on each other
- In a closed yoga group
- High feel-good, fun and relaxation factor
- For yoga beginners and yoga experts

- 90-minute Hatha Yoga and Breathwork sessions twice a day
- With the help of our adjustments you can open up new asana worlds for yourself
- Daily meditation, relaxation and health workshops
- Individual energetic and Reiki treatments

Your daily routine in detail

The YOGA meets YOU philosophy

According to the lifestyle and needs of the Western world, yoga teachings summarize yoga in five principles. These five points are easy to understand and can be implemented for a healthier and more peaceful life. The activities of YOGA meets YOU are based on these five principles:

Ein weißer Mann steht in einer Yoga-Pose
Correct physical exercises (asanas)
Learn more
Eine weiße Silhouette einer Person sitzt in der Lotussitzposition
Proper relaxation
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Eine weiße Strichzeichnung von menschlichen Lungen
Correct breathing (pranayama)
Learn more
Frau in weißer Kleidung praktiziert Yoga
Positive thinking and meditation
Learn more
Ein Logo einer schwarzen und weißen Blattform
Proper nutrition
Learn more

Your yoga retreat in Switzerland

All our yoga classes are about 90 minutes away from Zurich. Take a look at our diverse selection!

Aktivresort Valavier 4*star superior hotel in Brandnertal at 1010 meters above sea level

A unique place

You stay at the 4*Superior Hotel Valavier in Brand, Vorarlberg with all-day culinary delights. It's just seven seconds from the hotel to the mountain station, the hiking trail, the lake or the mountain bike. The most beautiful end to the valley in Austria awaits you!

Your different saunas

Six different saunas, two pools (outdoor and indoor), a fitness room, several relaxation rooms including waterbeds, massage and beauty treatments, an outdoor pond, a Kneipp facility and much more are at your disposal.

Our dates for 2024
Ein luxuriös angerichtetes Essen mit Früchten Ein Pool unter einem HolzdachEin luxuriöser Nachtisch mit Früchten und GemüseEin Raum mit großen Fenster und BettenEin Doppelbed mit einer roten WandWeiße Sonnenschirme vor einem GebäudeEin Pool mit Liegestühlen Ein großer Pool vor einem Gebäude und Bergen im HintergrundEin Pool mit

Lifestyle Resort Sonne 4*star superior hotel in the Bregenzerwald at 688 meters above sea level

Honored with the Spa Award

Let the sunshine into your everyday life at the Spa Award-winning hotel! Escape the hustle and bustle and let yourself be pampered at the exclusive wellness hotel in Vorarlberg - enjoy every moment to the full at the Sonne Lifestyle Resort in Mellau. The high alpine Bregenzerwald offers fascinating natural spectacles at any time of year. Use one of the designer rooms as accommodation for your vacation. In addition to the large wellness area, you also have access to the fitness area, a library and many other great services.

Experience the new you

Relax, recharge your batteries, feel happy, safe and beautiful. The spa area and the mountain glow offer you the best conditions for this. The YOGA meets YOU retreats at the 4*star Lifestyle Resort Sonne are suitable for everyone. Whether beginner, intermediate or advanced. The exercises are adapted to the guests' individual levels of difficulty.

Our dates for 2024
Ein luxuriös angerichtetes Essen mit Früchten Ein Pool unter einem HolzdachEin luxuriöser Nachtisch mit Früchten und GemüseEin Raum mit großen Fenster und BettenEin Doppelbed mit einer roten WandWeiße Sonnenschirme vor einem GebäudeEin Pool mit Liegestühlen Ein großer Pool vor einem Gebäude und Bergen im HintergrundEin Pool mit

Spa and design hotel ibis Stylesin St. Magrethen/SG on Lake Constance

Immerse yourself in a new world

Everything is in flow here It's high time to go deep. Mineral baths have a particularly powerful effect. They are soothing, relaxing, sometimes warm and sometimes refreshingly cool. In the different baths, you can immerse yourself in minerals from all over the world.

Your feel-good interior

The design hotel ibis Styles St. Margrethen invites you to arrive with an open room concept. Real wood furniture with an individual grain brings a unique character to the interior. Warm colors underline the natural impression and create a feel-good atmosphere.

Dates 2024
Eine Frau die mit ausgestreckten Armen im Wasser liegtDrei weiße Waschbecken vor einer BankDrei Menschen im PoolEine Sauna mit vielen BänkenEine Gruppe aus Frauen beim einem Yoga-RetreatEine liegende Person mit Handtuch in der SaunaEin Badezimmer mit Dusche und WaschbeckenDer Eingan zu einem Pool mit blauem WasserEin Tisch voller essenEin Buffett mit EssenEin gemütlicher Raum mit einem Bett und SchrankFrauen bei einem Yoga Retreat in einer Yoga PositionEin Badezimmer mit Waschbecken und einer Dusche

Rooftop Yoga Days in the Forsthofalm 4*star hotelMondholz, sports and yoga hotel at 1050 meters above sea level

Unique accommodation
Living environment in the Alps
One-off date for 2024
Ein Teller mit Essen auf dem TischLiegen auf einer hölzener Terasse mit einem Gebäude im hHintergrundEin Nachtisch mit einem Teller auf einem TischEssen auf einem Teller auf dem TischLiegen auf einer Terasse mit dem Pool danebenEin Raum mit großen Betten und FensternEin Raum mit einer Aussicht auf Berge und StühleEin Hotel aus der DrohnenperspektiveEin Besteck mit Gläsern und Servietten

Maloja Kulm - historic 3*star hotel on the Maloja Pass at 1812 meters above sea level

Reflection and creativity
An experience steeped in history

You stay at the historic 3* Maloja Kulm Hotel, at 1812m. The pass connects the Bergell with the Engadin. The Maloja Kulm was completely renovated in 2019 and returned to its original historical purpose: genuine hospitality in a magical place. Nostalgia guaranteed!

One-off date for 2024
Eine Person neben einem Weg mit Bergen im HintergrundEine Frau auf einer Bank mit Bergen im HintergrundBerge mit WoleknEin See in der Mitte von BergenEin klarer See mit Bergen im HintergrundEin See mit Bergen im HintergrundEin Weg mit Wiesen und Bergen im HintergrundEin Weg mit einem Gebäude und Bergen im Hintergrund

Individual Reiki and energetic applications

Learn more about energetics
Learn more about Reiki

Our certificates

Schwarzes Logo auf weißem Hintergrund
Ein Logo mit roten Akzenten auf weißen Hintergrund
Certified as DLS and TWO

The Divine Life Society and True World Order (TWO) are international yoga organizations. The DLS was founded by Swami Sivananda in 1936 and the TWO by one of his students. The headquarters of the DLS is the Sivananda Ashram in Rishikesh/India

Certified according to the international standards of the yoga alliance

These standards stipulate the minimum number of hours for the various subjects (philosophy, anatomy, teaching techniques, exercise practice, etc.) as well as the qualifications of the training instructors

Do you still have questions?

Leave us a message and we will take care of your request as soon as possible. You are also welcome to send us booking requests.

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YOGA meets YOU

Unterhalden 12/11
6911 Lochau
+43 664 8659084

Ein goldenes Logo mit einer Yoga-Venusblume und Schrift darunter